Thursday, 26 April 2007

New Forensic Imaging Blog

Welcome to this new blog dedicated to all aspects of Forensic Imaging. Although Forensic Science is well catered for on the web, Forensic Imaging is not so well represented. This blog will aim to promote discussion and interest in this diverse and exciting field, drawing on the professional literature and web-based resources.

Contributions from other professionals in the field are greatfully recieved, as a sharing of information can only enhance the progression of knowledge and skills - which is at the core of continuing professional development.

1 comment:

Jaime Hoerricks, PhD said...

I just want to jump in an encourage you to keep going with this blog. You have such a wealth of material to cover, just look around your city. Forensic Imaging and Forensic Photoshop work hand in hand.


Jim Hoerricks
Author - Forensic Photoshop